"Emergent" queries
In the emerging church blogosphere there is great buzz generated over the decision to create an organization called "Emergent", what I believe is meant to be a centralization of resources for those interested in the ec world.
I find it mildly amusing in how we are analyzing and critiquing this action. Isn't part of the whole emerging church thing recognizing some of the flaws of the enlightenment (not everything should be deconstructed, weighed, quantified, qualified)? Now those measurements seemed to be applied to evaluate whether or not this is a smart move (how to define who fits in with "Emergent" or just the emerging church movement, how to organize something that's defined by being unorganized, etc.).
What about using the spiritual disciplines to gather a sense of if/how we should be involved? What about looking at the fruit that has been produced by the folks who are spear-heading this organization (i.e. do things they touch bear fruit or wither? I’d assume if they're following the will of God, their efforts would bear fruit). Wouldn't those be the tools to use?
And isn't this detracting from the spirit of ec: being incarnational and missional? How much time is being spent pondering whether to join in with the organization or not? Whether to change the name or not? Whether we’re "a part" or not?
Isn't the whole goal to live out God's love in our daily moments, our day-to-day lives? If something's taking away from that (this seems like an internal problem: it's not equipping folks to go out but rather drawing their attention inward), that's probably not a God-blessed use of our time.
The one good thing: it's causing some conversation and some thoughts on what's important, what's equipping, what's meaningful. Now if we can use that to spread the Light of Christ in the world, that'd be *AWE-some*.
(Yes, these are a lot of questions, but hey, I come from a rather 'query'-oriented faith background). =)
(Personally, it seems like Emergent would be like an emerging library, full of resources for seekers, which I would *so* appreciate. Librarians don't shove information down patrons' throats, but they wait for folks to ask for help. I believe that's what the Emergent friends desire - an organization of their helpful materials and collective experiences/wisdom. Many many dankes for sharing!)