Walking with the Duchess

"'Be what you would seem to be' -- or if you'd like it put more simply -- 'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'" - The Duchess, "Alice in Wonderland"


Movin' on up

. . . to the WordPress side (I'm not the only one who thinks this is a good thing).

Ok, I haven't been neglecting my blog. Well, I've been neglecting *this* blog due to the institution of a *bigger!!* and *better!!* blog that my beloved hubby got up'n'runnin for me.

From now on my primary blogging efforts will be taking place at http://www.ajschwanz.com. My hope for this site is that it will be a resource:

-- for those interested in discussing how to be and live out church
-- for those curious the Quaker testimony - we can be some wild and wacky folks!
-- for writers as they explore how best to "use your words"
-- for anyone interested in what it's like to be a Friend in a small town in the Northwest, chasing a little one around in order to fish inedible objects out of his mouth, baking treats for loved ones, and dreaming about the day when she might actually get to visit the Cook Islands

Please, comment away: I look forward to hearing from you!
