Walking with the Duchess

"'Be what you would seem to be' -- or if you'd like it put more simply -- 'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'" - The Duchess, "Alice in Wonderland"


We built this city . . . kinda

Our town has an opening on the Downtown Revitalization Committee, and I've applied to fill it. They meet next Monday to decide if I or the two other candidates fit their qualifications.

I applied out of resignation that I'm going to live here for some time (doesn't that sound so pleasantly optimistic?). =) This town and I have a less-than-sunny history, but looking at the resources and opportunities available to me, I sense that the Spirit's got something going on. So instead of being crabby for the next couple of years, I decided to be proactive: look for redeeming aspects, perhaps get involved and make a mark. Applying for this committee would be one of those things.

This could be a total projection, but this town feels rather depressed. Community pride does not abound, neighborhood friendliness is less than present. The downtown area is mostly something to travel through on the way to the beach - empty buildings and a couple of stop lights. A few shops are popping up here and there, but many go out of business pretty quickly.

Have you lived in a similar place? Has it been turned around? Have you ever experienced a concerted effort at bringing life back to your downtown areas? What sorts of projects/experiences/businesses/community outreach worked? I've heard some stories about church gatherings that opened a coffee shop or community center or art gallery that helped be missional and incarnational in the community. What sorts of examples could I give to local church gatherings (not as in "you must follow this mold" but rather "here’s an example of one community - what would that look like in ours?")? I’d be honored to hear of your experiences.
