Walking with the Duchess

"'Be what you would seem to be' -- or if you'd like it put more simply -- 'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'" - The Duchess, "Alice in Wonderland"


"Doing Church" - Bleck

I've been recruited to write an article on "Doing Church", specifically aimed at talking about what appeals to my generation (young adults).

What a crappy phrase: doing church.

I understand the concept of the assignment, but the pictures it conjures up is along the lines of "doing pushups" or "doing taxes" or "doing crack" - nothing very appealing. Actually, it's about as appealing as "traditional" church is (and by traditional, I mean the predominant amount of churches that are simply a once-a-week management of your (and every once in a while others') personal salvation).


How do you convey "doing church" to others? The most effective means, obviously, is to live it out and be in other people's daily lives (novel concept!). How have you put that into writing?

Have you been successful at painting a picture for folks who've attended church forever and ever amen, but just don't seem to get it?

Have you ever paced around your apartment and sighed so much due to writer's block that it's becoming a regular aerobic activity? :)
